[Collected via promotion.] I bought a couple of these from Lowes Home Improvement and then loved them so much I have bought 10 more since between Amazon and my local nursery to use on project we did for hummingbird feeders and to have back up in case something happened to any of them and didn't want to risk not being able to find. Also gave two to my mom for Mothers Day last year. Well made and love the look.
[Collected via promotion.] I have 3 feeders, and this one is by far their favorite! In fact, I didn't really get any traffic last year with a different feeder, but now I get several visits a day from chubby little hummingbirds who mostly go to this one. The main reason I bought this one because it can be easily cleaned and maintained. The other brands from the garden centers have rubber gaskets that grow black mold that doesn't come off, which can make the birds sick (or worse) and they don't even sell replacements. This little feeder is easily maintained with soap and hot water, a cheap bottle brush and a little mascara style wand. And if I end up needed more, I will stick with this style.
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