Welcome home nature.
Welcome home nature.
  • Welcome home nature.

  • We are committed to bringing nature back to your yard in a sustainable, enriching and enjoyable way - just like nature intended!

Designed for the birds. Built for you.

We are committed to creating distinctively advanced bird products that enhance the experience for both the birds and the birders.

We manufacture a complete selection of top-quality bird products including cedar,
bamboo, tube and nectar feeders as well as a variety of bird, bat and insect houses and birding accessories. See our full assortment of products here.

Our Story

Our Story

Growing the next generation of birders

Many of us at Nature's Way are second generation birders who grew up watching our hardworking and bird-loving parents turn their expertise and passion for wildlife into something they could share with the world.

We believe in teaching our children to appreciate and preserve native wildlife however we can. It's as easy as starting in our own backyards! We encourage you to spend time educating and fostering a love of birds through hands-on activities with the children in your life!

Our Brands

Friends & Partners of Nature's Way